Find your song

For as long as I can remember, music has been vital to me. One of my favorite memories was rollerblading to Copley Plaza in Boston with my buddy Geoff to spend the $25 we had each earned shoveling snow. We headed straight for the music store. I bought "(What's the story) Morning Glory" and "Sixteen Stone". Good taste in my opinion for a 5th grader (yes, times have changed).
I've always dreamt of writing songs and recording a record. Jumping in an old van and traveling across the country playing shows to small crowds sounded like heaven to me. I've watched more documentaries and movies with this as a theme than I care to admit. While my window for a world like that has closed, I still know there are ways to scratch that itch. Theres a place down the road that has an open mic night and I need to shed my fears and just go for it. You never know unless you try, right?
I say this as a reminder that whatever it is that lives alongside the blood in your veins - music, writing, art, finance - find a way to keep that flame alive. Don't forget to be grateful for what you have today either. I know that if I had chosen the life of a wanderer, I'd be dreaming for the life I have with my 3 phenomenal kids and my beautiful wife.
Go find your open mic night and set a date to do your thing. In the meantime, listen to this song if you need some inspiration (don't worry, it's not Wonderwall).