Friday Findings

Over the past couple of weeks I've had some wonderful conversations with friends around reflecting on the past year and what they are hopeful for in 2025. It's always a good time to take inventory, celebrate victories, and recalibrate if need be even if you're not looking for any whole sale changes.
I've got a lot that I can be proud of over the past year whether its personally, professionally, physcially, or socially. However, I find that I all too often avoid addressing/processing difficult topics with myself. In fact, and I guess I always knew I did this I had just never named it, I have come to terms that I have a real tendency to avoid conflict in all its various shapes and forms. I am in the beginning stages of acceptance that I am estranged (for the most part) from my family of origin. The most frustrating part is that if I had the skillset of setting healthy boundaries and being assertive with those boundaries, we likely would not be in this place. I would not have been able to change others behavior, but they would have know how their words and actions affected me and my family.
I say all of this because I have always loved this time of year but its been a struggle to find the joy at times. This is a situation that I don't want my children to be in as adults, so I am doing everything I can to make sure they build the skills that I have so lacked in adulthood. I know I can only do so much, but I want to exhaust my resources when it comes to this.
For instance, this is a podcast that was shared with me that I didn't know I needed. Man oh man, so many aha moments for me, and so many "I'm not alone" moments as well. So if there is anything you're going through at this time, or any time of year, just know you're not alone. Be open to sharing your struggles with close friends and be ready when the answers you're looking for are put before you.
I am so thankful for all of those people I have in my life that I am calling compounders (which includes anyone reading this) :

Lastly, I plan on making it a habit to share something, even if its minimal, every Friday moving forward. Feel free to hold me accountable!