1 min read

Half way there

Half way there

Last week I was prompted to think about my New Years Resolutions. Now, I don't really make New Years Resolutions but I do try to think of ways to grow. This year I wanted to work on giving myself grace, especially when trying to get into new habits. In the past, it was always the same old story. Find an idea that excites me, stay motivated for a little while, life happens, the new habit fades, and I determine it's just not in the cards for me. So nothing ever stuck. I just lacked consistency and that was part of my DNA.

So I decided to embrace that side of me, and know that I was going to stumble and fall off the wagon. But instead of being disappointed in myself and just find a new one, I'd dust myself off, and get back on if it was something I thought was useful.

For instance, I have tried to journal for years. I would be good for like, a week. Then two weeks would pass with no new entries and I would just tell myself, "Well, I guess I'm just not someone who journals." Forget that. I will journal when I am called to do it, and need to get my thoughts down on paper. That's what I've done this year and it WORKS!

I love the idea of taking inventory at different times of the year. Not just at the end/beginning of a year. Calibrate, pivot, pat yourself on the back, or give yourself a kick in the rear. Just don't stop getting better. Remember, this is your story, be your own Hero.

P.S. - doesn’t matter if you are tall, short, skinny, fat, rich or poor…. At the end of the day… it’s night.
