Where to begin...

I am not sure when I first came across Tim Ferriss, but thats probably where it started. Self help, or self improvement, or having a growth mindset, whatever you want to call it. I knew I wanted to get more out of life than I was and I sought the help of some of the gurus who had done most of the leg work for me, including Tim. Fast forward a few years and, while I've seen some growth, but its mostly been, "hey, thats a nifty concept. I should do that!". Annnnd, ACTION! Errr, no, I've got to take out the trash. I'll start that tomorrow.
There are so many ways to discover valuable information these days, but picking a place to start and determining what will have the most impact and (hopefully) longest lasting effects can be overwhelming. I also struggle with some concepts because I am at a point where I can't just stop what I am doing without a lot of pain and pursue a new career. At least right now, I am not prepared to do that.
I want to mine as much useful knowledge that I can share with people who are majority working parents, in their late 30's or older, and who are not in love with the career choices they've made. That's where I am at.